Restrictions, Rules and Regulations on Use and Occupancy of

Units, Common Areas and Facilities & Limited Common Areas and Facilities Rev. 12.1.2019

Excerpted from the Mayfair Restrictions in the Declaration of Condominium—the Units, Common Areas and facilities, and Limited Common Areas and facilities owned and/or operated by the HOA shall be occupied and used as follows:

  • No part of the property shall be used for other than housing and the related common purposes for which the property was designed. Each unit shall be used as a residence for a single family and for no other purpose.

  • No industry, business, trade, occupation or profession of any kind (commercials, religious, educational or otherwise designed for profit, altruism, exploration or otherwise) shall be conducted, maintained or permitted on any part of the property.

  • No “For Sale” of “For Rent” signs, advertising or other displays shall be maintained or permitted on any part of the property, except at such location and in such form as shall be permitted in writing by the Board of Directors.

  • There shall be no obstruction of the common areas or facilities, nor shall anything be stored in the common areas or facilities, without the prior written consent of the Board of Directors.

  • Each unit owner shall be obligated to maintain and keep his/her unit, its windows and doors, and the patio/balcony/deck, front sidewalk, and driveway (Limited Common Areas reserved for the use of the Unit) in good, clean order and repair.

  • Nothing shall be done or kept in any unit or in the Common Areas or facilities or Limited Common Areas or facilities which will increase the rate of insurance or result in the cancellation of insurance on the buildings or would be in violation of any law, or contents thereof, applicable for residential use, without the prior written consent of the Board of Directors.

  • No waste shall be left in the Common Areas or Facilities or Limited Common Areas or Facilities. The Common Areas and Facilities and the Limited Common Areas and Facilities shall be kept free and clear of rubbish, debris and other unsightly materials, including any clippings or weeding done by the resident (Amend. BOD Minutes 8/22/2019).

  • Unit owners shall not cause or permit anything to be hung or displayed on the outside of windows or placed on the outside walls of the building, and no sign, awning, canopy, shutter, radio or television antenna shall be affixed to or placed upon exterior walls or roof without the prior consent of the Board of Directors.

  • No animals, rabbits, livestock, fowl or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred, or kept in any unit or in any part of the property; except that dogs, cats, or other household pets may be kept in units, subject to rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Directors, so long as they are not kept, bred or maintained for commercial purposes.

  • Any pet causing or creating a nuisance or unreasonable disturbance shall be permanently removed from the property upon thirty days written notice from the Board of Directors.

  • No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on in any unit or on the property, nor shall anything be done therein, either willfully or negligently, which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the other unit owners or occupants.

  • Nothing shall be done in any unit or in, on or to the Common Areas or facilities or Limited Common areas or facilities which will impair the structural integrity of the building or which would structurally change the building, except as otherwise permitted in writing by the Board of Directors.

  • No clothes, sheets, blankets, laundry of any kind or other articles shall be hung out or exposed on any part of the Common Areas or facilities or Limited Common Areas or facilities.

  • Nothing shall be altered or constructed in, removed from, or planted in any of the Common Areas or Facilities, except upon the written consent of the Board of Directors. Anything altered or constructed, removed, or planted, without prior approval of the Board, can be subject to modification, reconstruction, restoration, or removal by the action of the Board of the Directors in any Common Area or Facilities (Amend. BOD Minutes 8/22/2019).

Other Rules and Regulations Adopted by the Mayfair HOA Board of Directors

  • No motorized vehicle or other wheeled vehicle shall be parked on the Mayfair streets overnight. Homeowner’s or Guest’s vehicles shall be parked in the host’s garage or driveway or at the Mayfair Clubhouse Parking Lot. Other off-street parking may be arranged at neighbors.

  • No part of any vehicle shall be parked on the Common Areas or facilities in the “greenspace.”

  • The Mayfair HOA streets are owned and maintained by the Association. While no speed limits are posted, driving at over 15 mph shall be deemed as dangerous to homeowners, residents, and their guests. No vehicles shall obstruct the Mayfair streets to impede service and emergency vehicles, especially on the lower north roadway.

  • The Mayfair Swimming Pool shall not be reserved for or used de facto for private parties.

  • Dogs shall be on a leash (city ordinance) at all times in Mayfair Common Areas, and shall not be tied up or staked out in Common Areas, or left unattended in Limited Common Areas outside of the pet’s residential unit (Amend. BOD Minutes 8/22/2019).

  • Solid waste from dogs and cats shall be cleaned up immediately in all Common Areas, and properly disposed of in a covered container or bagged properly. Residents also should be attentive to their Limited Common Areas and maintain sanitary practices with pet waste (Amend. BOD Minutes 8/22/2019).

  • Pool Rules shall be obeyed—see information about pool, clubhouse and ponds.

  • Clubhouse Rules shall be obeyed—see information about pool, clubhouse and ponds.

  • Pond Rules shall be obeyed--see information about pool, clubhouse and ponds.

  • Outdoor garage door lights shall be turned on from dusk to dawn on all residential units. Pond-side lights owned by the Association also shall be turned on from dusk to dawn.

  • Satellite dish receivers may be attached to a resident’s unit in certain locations as defined in writing by the BOD, and subject to the approval of the BOD about final placement of the dish.

  • Political campaign signs may be displayed by residents in their Limited Common Areas, and on dates and sizes conforming to the City of Topeka’s regulations, as to when such signs may be displayed.