Mayfair Place Overview

Mayfair Subdivision, a geographical area within the City of Topeka, County of Shawnee, State of Kansas, is divided into Common Areas and Facilities, and into Limited Common Areas and Facilities, with a condominium form of governance, operation, and ownership. The Mayfair Subdivision is subjected to all laws, ordinances, and regulations of federal, state and local governments and governmental bodies that apply elsewhere in the City of Topeka.

The Mayfair Condominiums Development Plan described the initial three residential buildings that included eight apartments to serve as private residences. Mayfair Condominiums 17 residential buildings each contain one to four apartments. The total project included six buildings fronting on two ponds and eleven other buildings not directly on the ponds, fronting along the private road known as Mayfair Place. The six pond side buildings also front on Mayfair Place road. The Mayfair Clubhouse was the 18th building, in addition to the 17 residential buildings.

Mayfair Subdivision is commonly known as Mayfair Condominium since its creation in 1974 by a private development plan, as authorized by state law. There are two traffic gates allowing vehicles to reach Mayfair Place road from city public streets, and a perimeter fence that encloses completely the Mayfair Condominiums. The Mayfair Subdivision includes real property both inside and outside of the perimeter fence, with city paved sidewalks on two sides outside of the fence facing the two city public streets.

The Mayfair Condominium Home Owners Association, Inc. is governed by the Kansas Corporation Code (state law), and is the representative body for the individual real estate property owners. The Mayfair Association is organized to provide an entity pursuant to the Kansas Apartment Ownership Act, as amended, for the operation of the condominiums established on land located in Mayfair Subdivision to the City of Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas. Other subsequent state laws also apply to Mayfair.

The Mayfair Association is comprised of all residential home owners who own the Limited Common Areas and Facilities, with each household also owning an undivided share of the Common Areas and Facilities. All residential home owners automatically are members of the Mayfair Association that annually elects a Board of Directors (BOD) to operate the Mayfair Condominiums. The BOD currently contracts with an Administrator to conduct daily operational matters as obligated by the Board’s policies, directions, and contracts. (Amend. BOD Minutes 11/21/2019)

The Mayfair Association has the legal authority to make assessments upon the households in order to pay for its contracts to operate and maintain the Common Areas and Facilities. The annual meeting of the Mayfair Association allows for review and comments on an annual Mayfair Association budget adopted and recommended by the BOD for operating expenses and for assessments to pay for such estimated expenses to operate and maintain the Common Areas and Facilities. The delineation of Limited Common Areas and Facilities from the Common Areas and Facilities was intended to differentiate between what are the separate limited expenses for the individual residential home owners of the 34 condominiums, and what are the common expenses for all 34 condominiums that are paid from the annual Mayfair Association budget.